Every machine(PC) on the Internet has a unique number assigned to it, called an IP address.
a unique IP address on your machine, you will not be able to communicate with
other devices,
and computers on the Internet. You can look at your IP address as if it were a
telephone number,
each one being unique and used to identify a
way to reach you and only you.
The Address Itself
IP address always consists of 4 numbers separated by periods, with the numbers
having a possible range of 0 through
255. An example of how an ip address appears is:
representation of an IP address is called decimal notation and is what is
generally used by humans to refer to an IP
address for readability purposes. With the ranges for each number being
between 0 and 255 there are a total 4,294,967,296 possible IP addresses.
of these addresses there are 3 special ranged that are reserved for special purposes?
The first is the address and
refers to the default network and the address which is called
the broadcast address. These
addresses are used for routing, which will not be covered in this
tutorial. The third address,, is the loopback address, and refers to your machine.
Whenever you see,, you are actually referring to your own machine.
That means if you clicked on this
You are actually trying to connect to your own
computer, and unless you have a web server running, you will get a connection error.
There are some guidelines to how IP address
can appear, though. The four numbers must be between 0 and 255, and the IP address of and are
reserved, and are not considered usable IP addresses. IP addresses must be unique for each computer connected to a
network. That means that if you have two computers on your network, each
must have a different IP address to be able
to communicate with each other. If by accident the same IP address is assigned
to two computers, then those
computers would have what is called an "IP Conflict" and not be able
to communicate with each other.
IP address classes
These IP addresses can further be broken down
into classes. These classes are A, B, C, D, E and their possible ranges
can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Class Start address Finish address
If you look at the table you may notice
something strange. The range of IP address from Class A to Class B skips
the range.
That is because this range is reserved for the special addresses called
Loopback addresses that have already
been discussed above.
The rest of classes are allocated to
companies and organizations based upon the amount of IP addresses that they
may need. Listed below are
descriptions of the IP classes and the organizations that will typically
receive that type of allocation.
Default Network: The special network is generally used for routing.
Class A: From the table above you see that
there are 126 class A networks. These networks consist of 16,777,214
possible IP addresses that can be
assigned to devices and computers. This type of allocation is generally given
to very large networks such as
multi-national companies.
Loopback: This is the special
network that is reserved as a loopback to your own computer. These addresses
are used for testing and debugging of
your programs or hardware.
Class B: This class consists of 16,384
individual networks, each allocation consisting of 65,534 possible IP
addresses. These blocks are generally
allocated to Internet Service Providers and large networks, like a college or
major hospital.
Class C: There is a total of 2,097,152
Class C networks available, with each network consisting of 255 individual
IP addresses. This type of class is
generally given to small to mid-sized companies.
Class D: The IP addresses in this class are
reserved for a service called Multicast.
Class E: The IP addresses in this class are
reserved for experimental use.
Broadcast: This is the special network of, and is used for broadcasting messages to the entire
network that your computer resides
Private Addresses
There are also blocks of IP addresses that
are set aside for internal private use for computers not directly connected
to the Internet. These IP addresses
are not supposed to be routed through the Internet, and most service providers
will block the attempt to do so.
These IP addresses are used for internal use by company or home networks that
need to use TCP/IP but do not want to
be directly visible on the Internet. These IP ranges are:
Private Start Address Private End Address
If you are on a home/office private network
and want to use TCP/IP, you should assign your computers/devices IP
addresses from one of these three
ranges. That way your router/firewall would be the only device with a true IP
address which makes your network more
Common Problems and Resolutions
The most common problem people have is by
accident assigning an IP address to a device on your network that is
already assigned to another device.
When this happens, the other computers will not know which device should get
the information, and you can experience
erratic behavior. On most operating systems and devices, if there are two
devices on the local network that
have the same IP address, it will generally give you a "IP Conflict"
warning. If you see this warning, that
means that the device giving the warning, detected another device on the
network using the same address.
The best solution to avoid a problem like
this is to use a service called DHCP that almost all home routers provide. DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol, is a service that assigns addresses to devices and computers. You
tell the DHCP server what range of IP
addresses you would like it to assign, and then the DHCP server takes the
responsibility of assigning those IP
addresses to the various devices and keeping track so those IP addresses are
assigned only once.
IP addresses and their function on the
Internet is an important concept to understand. Hopefully with this tutorial
you will have a firmer grasp on this
concept, which should help you troubleshoot problems and bring a better
understanding of how the Internet
Nice Dai